vietnam web design companies

1. They Listen To Your Ideas

You are an expert in your industry. That way, you know what you're selling and have some ideas of how you would like to introduce your business/product to them. No one knows your business better than you do. If a web design company doesn't listen to your idea or is not open enough to trying to market it, then you probably shouldn't work with them. Your marketing agent needs to be able to perfect your ideas, refine them and put them into action.

2. They Bring Up Their Own Ideas

While it is important for a web designer to listen to you, you need to work with someone who will challenge your opinion and give external perspectives to ideas, concepts and strategies. your. You probably know your business, but your website needs to be designed by someone who knows how to design. In fact, we recommend taking this one step further, your website needs to be designed by someone who knows web design focused on conversions.

If a web design agency does nothing but nod and make an exact copy of whatever you say, then you're not getting your money's worth. Your designers must be able to bring expertise in their field, consistent with your expertise.

3. They Have An Experienced Marketing Team

Sometimes, people don't want their website to grow their business. Believe it or not, some people think they want their website just "out there". If you are among those very few, then this might not mean much to you. For others, if you want your website to grow in business, make sure to choose a web design company with experience in marketing.

A web design company that doesn't have a marketing team is like a Ferrari without an engine. Yes, it might look great, but it's going nowhere or doing anything. The internet has evolved and needs active digital marketing to get your website going. You need something that not only looks good, but works. When a web company has designers, developers and marketers, you can be confident that the finished product won't just be a pretty paperweight - it will pay off.

4. They Know How To Use A CMS

One quick sign that web design companies are stuck in the Stone Age, is if they don't encourage Content Management Systems. You need a CMS for your website. Without it, you will have a significant disadvantage in the market. Any valuable web design firm is familiar with the best content management systems like WordPress, Drupal, and Magento. If your designer recommends a static HTML website, then you need to find a time machine and go back to this decade. If they recommend Wix, Squarespace or Weebly, politely thank them for taking their time and switching to a web design company that doesn't use the “10 minutes-do-it-at-home” software.

See more: Top 10 web development companies

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5. The Use Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design is not out of fashion and is going nowhere. It is simply the best way to design a website today. Google even noted and said so. While there are some instances where a separate mobile website might have some advantages, a responsive web design is often the preferred solution. As mobile usage continues to increase, you need to make sure your business website is optimized for every device. If a web design agency is not proficient in responsive design or recommends a separate mobile website is always better, then they haven't caught up with the times and may not be right for you or anyone else. for that matter. The right digital marketing agency will make that happen.