People who are not programmers will surely agree with me that whether you are experienced coders or basically a shop owner who has interest in programming, you can easily learn and work on your Meteor project with minimal development effort in a short period of time.

In term of programming, Meteor is described as an open-source and full-stack JavaScript platform that includes a key set of technologies for building reactive web and mobile applications. Meteor requires less code. Instead of using thousand lines of code for a command like any other frameworks, it can just use 10 lines, Yes, 10 lines, you didn’t misread. Fantastic, right?

Since you’re here, you probably don’t know Meteor that well. Check out reasons why you should choose Meteor for your future web and mobile apps.

One more interesting thing, the Meteor community is rapidly developing day by day. That means the available resources are also growing immediately. In today’s post, I’ve rounded up the top brilliant, useful Meteor resources which could help you shorten the time you will take to learn this awesome framework from scratch.

Basic background of JavaScript

Before digging into every facet of Meteor framework, you are required to have a fairly good background of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, obviously.
  1. If your time is limited, you can take a quick look at A JavaScript Prime for Meteor
  2. If you have a little more time on your hand, you can try the tutorials at or alternatively work your way through the course at JavaScript is sexy: How to learn JavaScript properly.
  3. For those who are already an advanced JavaScripter, you might want to step up your game a bit by walking through those articles at Badass JavaScript.
  4. Last but not least, don’t forget to get your hand dirty with some of the material Douglas Crockford put together before heading over to Meteor.

Meteor Resources

If you can grab JavaScript in your hands, Meteor is just kid in your eyes. I hope that the following roundup of tutorial will get you on the right track in term of learning this smart framework.
  • There is no better place to get essential information than from the official website itself:
  • Most importantly, check out the official Meteor documentation which contains documentation, tutorials and references.
  • FYI: Renovated by Designveloper team, itself is a typical example of how Meteor works in practice.
  • If you’re beginner and find their documentation bit advanced for you, you can refer to Discover Meteor which is both a website and a book written by Tom Coleman and Sacha Grief
  • The next unavoidable thing to do is head over to the Meteor Youtube channel. These videos are also very valuable if you’re starting out or want to improve your skills.
  • Check out the unofficial sanctioned wiki resource – Meteorpedia as well.
  • As a developer I believe that you have spent some time on StackOverFlow which is the perfect place to search for solution when you’re stuck with a specific problem.
  • For those who prefer watch video, you cannot avoid having a look at Evented Mind. They offer a bunch of awesome screen casts that will keep you busy for quite a while.
  • Another article worth reading is What’s This Meteor Thing? by Gabriel Manricks. I know it’s a bit outdated and old by now, but it covers a fully fledged ground in a way that no other tutorial does. If my words are not convincing enough for you, there are tons of comments left below the post showing how helpful and insightful it is for beginner Meteor developers.
  • Tom Coleman also provided a great post about Prototyping With Meteor. This particular tutorial aims to walk you through the process of turning a simple HTML wireframe into a functional application in a surprisingly simple number of step.
  • Once you decide to get your feet wet with Meteor development, it’s important to know that you understand what realtime web application is and how they work. The article, Introduction To Realtime Web Applications With Meteor And Node.js, does just that!
  • It’s time to get your hands dirty by Creating A Multi-Page Site With Meteor. In this article, the author takes a look at developing a library that not only can differentiate between the different URIs, but one that takes advantage of Meteor’s core features.
  • Learn how to Create A Meteor Chat App In 30 Minutes. What great about this tutorial is that it’s very simple to follow. Also, it gives you ideas and inspiration to work on your own stuff.

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Know more?

So, that’s a few awesome resouces I suggest getting started with. Do you have any “I can’t believe you didn’t put it on your top” resouces? Please recommend your own tutorials by letting me know in the comments below and I will add them here. Thank you!