Software security is one major concern that is required to build trustworthy software systems. Several researchers have explored this topic by providing new solutions in terms of security modeling, security features development, and the specification and implementation of the security mechanisms that have to be embedded in software systems. Furthermore, in the last decades, we have witnessed an increasing interest in the security testing research area.

In parallel to the emergence of security concerns, security testing has also gained a considerable interest as it has to be developed conjointly to software security hardening.

What is software security

What is software security?

Security is necessary to provide integrity, authentication and availability. And, Software security is an idea implemented to protect software against malicious attack. Moreover, other hacker risks so that the software continues to function correctly under such potential risks.

Explains more about software security

Software systems can be attacked to steal information, monitor content, introduce vulnerabilities and damage the behavior of software. And, Any compromise to integrity, authentication and availability makes a software unsecure.

Besides, malware can cause DoS (denial of service) or crash the system itself. Furthermore, new system commands are appended to existing commands by the malicious attack. Moreover, sometimes system command may stop services and cause DoS.

Sometimes SQL injections fetch important information from a database or delete all important data from a database. And, SQL injections use malicious SQL code to retrieve or modify important information from database servers.

9 Security Software

This means using a security service from your web host, installing a security plugin, and abiding by strict login protocols (like two-factor authentication, regular password updates, etc.). With that said, are you ready to take a look at the 10 security software your website needs in 2021? Let’s get started.

1. Anti-Spyware Software

Anti-Spyware tools are created to combat these through detection and removal of threats such as password recorders and key loggers, to name a few. And, a silent menace that carries heavy repercussions if left unchecked, spyware are designed to snoop into victims’ online activities, view browsing habits and worse, find out about highly confidential personal information, usernames and passwords.

2. Network Security

You can use an encrypted Wi-Fi, you can use antivirus and antimalware software on your network, you can use a firewall, or you can use an organization like Cisco to help you manage the monitoring and securing of your network. Furthermore, your company’s network also needs to be secured and there are a number of ways to do this.

3. Password Managers

These tools serve as central password repositories, which can also store other critical data such as connection data and credit card numbers. And, password management software were developed to reinforce system security while helping users prevent errors associated with storing passwords in web browsers.

4. Log Management Software

Log management softwware is a tool that automates all policies and processes involved in managing a computer system’s entire log data cycle–from creation, to transmission, to analysis to disposal. Furthermore, it is an essential part of security intelligence and is critical to both system security and compliance.

5. Monitoring Tool

The software above are necessary to make it more difficult for hackers to strike, monitoring will give you the peace of mind knowing that you’ll be aware of anyone who gets past all your security defenses.

Moreover, many of the security monitoring services are expensive and not always accessible for SMBs. However, there are companies like CSID that have created self-management security monitoring tools that are affordable and easy to use for this very reason.