There are so many wonderful, intuitive, and easy-to-handle technologies to empower your project. The right technologies stack can make your project outstanding, while the wrong choice may result in budget waste. How to find the right tool for your application development?

Comparing some of the most suitable ones is the only right way. In this article, we’ll talk about the pros and cons of Django, a Python-powered framework. Let’s find out whether it fits your project specifics.

Pros of Django Framework

Let’s start with the Django benefits analysis. What is more, its benefits make it clear what types of projects the technology are suitable for and in what situations Django usage makes the most sense.

1. Django accelerates the development of large projects

Despite all its monolithic architecture, Django demonstrates certain flexibility in large projects, allowing you to simultaneously create parallel modules, thereby speeding up the development process several times. We should start by pointing out that Django is ideal for large projects only. All its functionality aims to ensure that developers deploy large projects faster and with fewer errors.

2. Django focuses on safety

A project built on Django remains secure even after receiving a massive influx of traffic. A strong focus on security issues is one of Django’s main strengths and one of the significant advantages of Django over Laravel. Thus, Django becomes an excellent framework for large projects that intend to work with large amounts of sensitive data.

3. Django provides easy API creation

For easy API creation, you can use the Django Rest framework, which allows you to utilize powerful API functionality. When it is impossible to use an API created by someone else, the developer must create their own interfaces. With Django, this disadvantage quickly turns into an advantage.

4. Django is ideal for machine learning projects

For such projects, Django simplifies the development process thanks to its built-in computation and mathematical and statistical capabilities. Machine learning technologies are at their peak, and Django is excellent for building ML-powered platforms. This allows you to create applications based on regression and predictivity.

5. Django provides smooth work with databases

These forms allow the developer to easily transfer the data from a form to a database table. What is more, there are significant advantages to using Django forms when working with databases. As we have said, Django has high-end computations and statistical capabilities. And working with databases is one more situation where Django is incredibly useful.

Cons of Django Framework

One could even consider them as specific features that you need to keep in mind when choosing this technology for your project. Advantages and disadvantages always go hand in hand. Fortunately, in this framework, the disadvantages of Django are conditional.

1. Thorny study

Without a strong command of Python, this learning process becomes even more difficult, despite Django’s ability to speed up the development process. Despite the simplicity of Python, the developers say that Django is quite tricky to master. Although Django was created for Python web projects, Python’s knowledge is not synonymous with Django.

2. Django is not suitable for small projects

Django is not the best choice for small projects, as its primary goal is to speed up the development of large projects that will scale in the future. Can this be considered one of the significant Django drawbacks? Most likely, this is just a feature that you need to take into account.

3. Django is monolithic

Django is evolving very slowly, and it seems that it simply does not see sense in allowing the community to develop it independently. This framework is a huge piece of software with the same huge number of dependencies. That is why this framework’s adherents have already created many models suitable for reuse in different projects, thereby rendering the creators of Django a disservice.