A basic understanding of this categorization assists in handling the bugs more effectively. To detect and classify bugs in an appropriate way, it is recommended to classify bugs based on a certain level. One can also take the assistance of defect tracking tools to make this entire process more convenient but to do that, you need to classify the issues based on some factors.

Defects Classified on Priority/Urgency

The urgent and immediate rectification of some bugs in which the defect tracking tools look into it based on priority. In software testing, prioritizing the detection of bugs is one of the key roles of a Product Manager as he manages the overall product.

Therefore an understanding of bugs that can have more impact on the business and need instant identification can be done by prioritizing it. When there are a large number of defects then the testing team needs to manage the hierarchy of detection and fixing of bugs based on urgency and priority.
  • Urgent
  • Medium Priority
  • Minor-Priority
  • Low-Priority

Why is defect classification significant?

Defects are mainly due to the logical errors in coding, which eventually attacks the security feature of the software, and as a result, it weakens the whole authorization access of the application and can allow access to sensitive information transmitted online.

Classification of bugs is worthy of attention as it enhances the quality of the program and the functioning of the applications. It helps in rationalizing and prioritizing the bugs that need to be fixed so the development process and testing efficiency can be increased. The defects which can be detected based on its performance, usability, and security demonstrate the nature of those bugs.

Not only this, but defects can also hamper the easy usage of the software by the customers and users, either because of a complex user interface, code, or intricate layout of application function. These defects disrupt for users to have a smooth run of the software.

Defects Classified on Severity

To measure the extent of the negative impact a bug can have on the quality of the software is indicated through this classification. If a bug hampers the overall functioning of the program this shows its critical level of severity, which the testing team needs to track by using defect tracking tools.

The severity of a defect and bug can be analyzed by its technical impact on the functioning of the software. Further, to elaborate this categorization the severity of bugs can be analyzed as per the following parameters:
  • Trivial Severity defects don’t need an immediate fix, because they neither limit the functionality of the program nor impacts its productivity.
  • Major Severity of defects is when there are multiple glitches on every step of the program, which can create difficulty in the functionality of that system. Any major feature when not meeting the requirements and performs differently is classified under major severity level.
  • Moderate Severity is when the impact of the error on the functionality of a program can be overseen and it is not affecting the software on an extreme level.
  • Critical Severity is when the program cannot function at all. Either there is an error in the installation of the program or any specific feature has completely failed to function.