Applying it to UX, the user will more likely see what’s in their line of vision, rather than the subliminal text occurring right outside. Its importance is lent on the few seconds you have to grab the user’s attention. Good UX/UI design will look into giving its user digital experience, from the beginning download to the main interface. Psychology can help turn UX into a pleasant journey down the technology lane.

The audience’s reception of the application stresses the importance of UI and UX design for SaaS. While there are plenty to list, this text will look at just a few psychological factors that may increase UX positively. This is defined as the center point of your vision; where you see the best.

With every problem, there seems to be an accompanying application on our desktop or mobile phones that solves all of our worries. The application aims at making our lives run a bit more smoothly, but there’s a chance that it might not.

Knowing this also makes the designer able to showcase different information by opting to place choice words where it can be read at 100%, and guide the user in a certain direction.

Apply foveal acuity to display messages directly

Imagine using a poorly designed application in a high-stress, high-volume setting. The user will be put off by the SaaS as it adds to their already turbulent environment. Adding an element of fun or calm in the UI pays an homage that you understand the user’s need as a human having an experience. 

Once the attention has been gained and focused has been established, the emotional effects of UI/UX should also be taken into account as it is very important to SaaS and receptivity.

Avoid negative emotions by adding an element of fun

Use Csikszentmihalyi’s theory and supply the user with a feeling of “flow”. According to the theory’s finder, people find happiness here. Experience can also be achieved by establishing some type of flow for the user to familiarize. According to Csikszentmihalyi’s theory, users that find themselves in complete concentration, can anticipate the next moves, and receive feedback they’ll find themselves in a rewarding flow experience.

Standing up with so many applications and having a limited time to do so is tough. Adopting a psychological mindset behind the design will be sure to have you standing tall in the crowd.

This can often be found in video games. When the UI is enjoyable, it’s more usable. A UX designer takes into account the receptivity and psychology effects that an interface might have on its user. Nodding to the human experience of SaaS, and taking into account the psychological factors that fall behind it, will help you design an enjoyable interface. In this flow, they are generally happy and in a pleasant mood.