In all honesty, these apps are something of a lifesaver. It is much easier and safe to carry your insurance in the digital form than carry the physical copy of it. Therefore, keeping this at the back of our mind, we shall now check the features of a few car insurance apps that can come handy to you in moments of crisis.

Allstate Mobile

The very first thing that we need to mention over here is that this app comes free of cost and can be downloaded easily from the Google Play Store. Allstate Mobile is one of the most popular car insurance apps that there is.

From paying bills to submitting quick claims, this app does all these and much more. For instance, the utility of the app does not just stop at submitting claims; it also has a locator enabled in it which makes it easy to find parking lots. Plus, it also has a gas finder which is an incredibly useful feature to have on an app.

Esurance Mobile

If you are the one who only needs the basics to be done with an app, Esurance is the way to go. This app performs all the essential functions like viewing your documents and paying important bills. You can also view the details of your policy and reach out for roadside assistance through this app.

The app might be known to be good with the basic stuff, but it definitely serves the purpose for what it was meant, and that is, handling your car insurance policy. You can submit claims easily as well as update your payments. With more features being added to this app, it is slowly making its way to the top of the list.

Geico Mobile

Here is another app is known for its simplicity. This app does not complicate things by overdoing or adding unnecessary features to it. There are a few bugs (something that you should know), but nothing that would come into your way of performing the basic stuff.

Payment of bills, viewing your documents and submitting claims have been made simple and comfortable with the Geico Mobile app at your disposal.


Just like its name suggests, the Progressive app is quite a thing to have on your phone if insuring your car is the first thing on your mind. It efficaciously performs all the functions that the other apps on this list do, like paying bills, resolving queries, viewing documents and stuff; and also provides its users with the option of editing their car insurance policy.

State Farm

State Farm is another car insurance app that you must consider downloading on your phone from Google Play Store. It is free, much like the other apps on the list and shall always come to your rescue in moments of crisis.

It has a very simple approach and functions the best when you use it for regular tasks. However, in a world where technology has increasingly complicated lives, maybe simple is what we need right now.


To assume that you could do without a proper car insurance policy is a fool’s dream. You could be the most careful driver on the face of the planet, but that does not imply that you would be protected and secured against the greater forces of nature. Browse through Google Play to find the app best suited for you and make an informed decision today.