At first, with CRO, marketers relied heavily on split testing to convert website visitors into paying customers. Sure, that strategy might still offer some success today. However, AI-based software is developing rapidly. These AI tools are beginning to integrate into the marketing industry, and CRO specialists need to get on board if they want to succeed with these new changes.

Well, 2020 is here and now, so if you have not caught up on how AI impacts your line of work, it’s time to get moving. One of the significant areas where analysts predict AI will revolutionize digital marketing is in the eCommerce space, specifically within conversion rate optimization, or CRO.

Below, we’re taking an in-depth look at how AI will change CRO service providers as we know it. If this is your niche, buckle up and pay attention. You don’t want to miss this.
The AI Basics

Artificial intelligence currently comprises four main categories: speech recognition, planning, machine learning, and problem-solving.

Where AI Comes in for CRO

Conversion rate optimization is not a simple process by any means. It involves tons of processing, ideation, data analysis, and reworking, and all these processes go into one simple A/B test.

Artificial intelligence can handle all the tedious aspects of the A/B test. It can run tests automatically while you and your marketing team focus on more big-picture CRO and eCommerce strategies. It’s with this multi-layered process that AI comes into play.

AI’s Impact on CRO

AI’s incredible machine learning capabilities are paving the way for marketing specialists to get higher-quality data to perfect their conversion rate optimization. But that’s not the only way AI can help CRO. Other benefits and impacts include:


Artificial intelligence can capture an unbelievable trove of rich data about individuals online. This information would be too much for a human to process and analyze fast enough for it to be useful.

Eventually, we will reach the day when AI will immediately adjust an online user’s experience based on their behavior for every online moment. AI can handle these tasks with a level of accuracy that most humans would find impossible. This precision makes A/B testing and multivariate testing a breeze because smart machines can handle the tedious manual work.


The rate of analysis means your marketing team will be able to respond to information in real-time rather than trying to play catch-up with their leads. A/B testing is crucial to a successful digital marketing strategy. However, it’s no understatement to say that it’s one of the most time-consuming aspects of marketing.

Typically, human marketers have to dive into and sort through months’ worth of data to identify what might be holding back one user from clicking “buy.” But when you leave this work to brilliant AI machines, the data mining that would take a person days can take just seconds.


Making thoughtful, data-based decisions as a marketer can be extremely high-pressure. With so much data to sort through and the human tendency to second guess, these decisions are not often quick ones. The delay means money.

AI can analyze vast silos of data and make quick, accurate decisions. The rapid decision-making can support your marketing efforts without too much effort on your part. If marketers can’t process data fast enough, they are missing out on tons of leads that are slipping through their fingers. Luckily, intelligent machines don’t have those human downfalls.

AI and CRO in the Future

Many people see AI machines as out to steal their jobs or tap into personal data. What it’s really doing is finding ways to make life easier for us humans. AI is still a relatively new concept that’s on its way towards the mainstream. People have a lot to say about artificial intelligence—some good, some not so good.

Regardless of what anyone thinks, it’s here to stay. AI will surely integrate itself into CRO because of the countless benefits it offers. Your best bet is to hop on the train now and get ahead of the curve while you can. Because sooner or later, AI will become a necessary aspect of being a modern-day marketing professional.