Have you ever heard about the saying: “The devil is in the details”?
I bet you did.

When it comes to building a website, this quote still remain true. It can take weeks to finish, cost a fortune, and there are still at least half a dozen considerations that we didn’t fully think through before work gets started. And then, at the end of the day it’s those smallest things that make or break our website.

Even though every designer might have their different plans, there are items that they should (and shouldn’t) be doing during their website design process.

So today I want to go over 6 things you need to keep an eyes on if you don’t want to send your visitors to your competitors’ sites. Be vigilant!

Make proper use of white space

Just because there is white space doesn’t mean you have to cram a bunch of shit in there

Do you like being yelled? No one does! That’s actually a “stuff all you can” website does to visitors! You don’t want to clutter up your website to the point that scares everyone away, do you? Visitors will be very overwhelmed if you cover every inch of your site with haphazard content. So, please leave your site some space to breath!

Also, 2017 is about minimalism and simplicity. It’s a must to incorporating white space into your website for a cleaner look overall and helping visitors to recognize what the most important information you want them to know is.

Bad photos can kill your website

A picture is worth a thousand words. They can help you attract visitors, grab their interest and keep them stay on your website.

Then, imagine if the first thing potential visitors see when they reach your site is unprofessional photos, they’re probably going to click back button without regret. Okay, you might be an expert in your field, but if your photography doesn’t reflect that, no one will stick around long enough to find out.

Don’t spend thousands of dollars on a website design and then ruin it with photos that don’t match your brand, or poor quality photos.

Do not complicate your website’s navigation

Imagine what will happen if you walk for hours in the forest without a compass or a map? It feel daunting, doesn’t it? The same can be said as a website with a confusing navigation.

Check out: Is Your Website’s Navigation Perfect?

I do not know about you, but nothing drives me nuts more than accessing a website that I cannot know what to expect clicking a link, or how to easily find what I am looking for.

So please do your visitors a favor. Make your website’s navigation prominent and legible for them to easily understand from the first moment they arrives at your website.

At a glance, visitors should know they are at the right place and how to get to where they want to be. For instance, the main menu should be designed to contrast against everything else so that your visitor’s eyes can be easily drawn to it.

Remember, people want convenience, not a challenge. The easier it is for people to use and navigate throughout your site, the longer they are likely to interact with it.

Your website isn’t mobile-optimized

As I mentioned very bluntly in every blogpost before, it’s a must for any kind of business to have a website that is responsive.

How about you try this (you’d be surprised how many business owners have never done this) – browse your own site on your smartphone or tablet. Then, what do you see? Do you have to do the “pinch and swipe” to get around your website or to read content? If that’s the case, Do you feel frustrated? That’s exactly why your visitors “eww”!

Oh dear, it’s 2017, please read 5 Compelling Reasons Your Website Should Be Responsive

It takes forever for your site to load

According to Hosting Facts, “A single second delay in your website loading time can result in a 7% loss in conversion, and 40% of web users will abandon a website if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load”.

Nobody likes waiting for so long!

There are tons of other options available out there, why would they waste their time waiting for your page to load? Is your content really worth waiting for? If they really need to visit your website then they might be a little patient, but if they’re just curious or have clicked a link on impulse then they’re more likely to leave right away.

Your website lacks personal interaction

People always want to be heard, seen or listened to. There is no doubt that if you design a website that does not include some elements or moments which user need to interact with, they won’t spend much time per their visit.

Hence, make sure your site seem more like a communication where visitors can interact than a simple portal to find information. It will be an excellent way to engage with your visitors and keep them longer in your website and gather data.

Final Words

After all, if you lack the attention to detail to take care of your own website, perspectives will feel that you are not really serious about your business. How can they purchase for your products or services?

Putting up a shoddy website is the most easiest way to scare your visitors away. Who want to do that with their business? No one!

By addressing these elements above, I hope that you can find out your own issues and improve your website’s performance.
While your website essentially represents your business’s face, why don’t you take time to make it shine! Want help getting your website to sparkle? Talk to our team to see just what we can do for you!