The Process, if your company need hire a good oursourcing developer but "you dont know" "how to hire outsourcing developers". There are 4 simple steps and if you cut out the job posting step then you actually only have three steps to go through. At that point you’ll hire them to do a simple programming task. Once they complete it (if they complete it) you’ll be able to review the code and determine who has the best implementation and then you usually will hire that person. The steps are listed below.

Let's Fisrt

Step 1. Post a Job Description on a Job Site

Titles such as “Senior Rails Developer” or “Wordpress Developer” seem to fare a bit better than abstract titles. The description of the job should describe what you need in detail. Do not leave this as a simple one liner such as “Write good code and deliver on time.” Moreover, If its updating an existing code base inform them of what they’re getting into. If you’re a business person who does not understand code, explain what you want the product to do or what your product already does and why you need help

So, next step 2

Step 2. Prelim Review – Hire the Top Candidates

You’re probably going to get upwards of 25-60 applicants for your job posting from candidates all over the world. The first thing you will need to do is trim the list down. Here’s how you do it.

You’re at the point where you are now going to spend real money. If the average wage of your applicants is between $5 and $25 and hour you’ll spend roughly $50-250 to find the right person (at most). You’ll want to hire all 10 candidates.
If you ask outsourcers/freelancers/contractors to do work for free you’ll lose ALL of the good/best developers immediately. When you pay someone a full hour of their rate they take you much more seriously.

Keep going Step 3.

Step 3. The Programming Task

The programming challenge is the great equalizer. Not because the problem is necessarily difficult (it’s not, its easy), but because it allows you to gain insight into the quality of code that the person writes. It also answers a vast array of other questions as well:

  • Does the candidate communicate effectively?
  • Does the candidate know how to follow directions?
  • Does the candidate know how to use Git and GitHub?
  • Does the candidate follow coding best practices?
  • Does the candidate know how to code?
  • Does the candidate follow through and succeed?
I usually inform the candidate that the solution to the problem is due within 24 hours. The programming challenge is posted online on GitHub/BitBucket in a Git repo that is shared across all candidates. The same repo is used for everyone.

Finnaly Step 4

Step 4. Keep the Top Candidate

If you’re hiring for one position, hire the top candidate and let the other two know that you decided to go with someone else but you may be in contact with them shortly because you were impressed and you may need to grow your team.

In the previous step you identified who you can hire through code review and through initial filtering based upon communication through the application process.