Every project manager knows that selecting the right methodology is crucial to getting the job right. While there are project management methodologies a-plenty, we’ve narrowed it down to seven popular ones and what they’re best suited for.

1. Lean

Stemmed from the Japanese manufacturing industry, its values suppose that ‘as waste is eliminated, quality improves while the production time and cost are reduced.’ And, lean methodology promotes maximizing customer value, while minimizing waste. It aims to create more value for the customer by using fewer resources.
‘Transport: The movement of product between operations and locations.
  1. Inventory: The work in progress (WIP) and stocks of finished goods and raw materials that a company holds.
  2. Motion: The physical movement of a person or machine whilst conducting an operation.
  3. Waiting: The act of waiting for a machine to finish, for a product to arrive, or any other cause.
  4. Overproduction: Over producing product beyond what the customer has ordered.
  5. Over-processing: Conducting operations beyond those that customer requires.
  6. Defects: Product rejects and reworks within your processes.’

2. Waterfall

The methodology was first introduced in an article written in 1970 by Winston W. Royce (although the term ‘Waterfall’ wasn’t used), and emphasizes that you’re only able to move onto the next phase of development once the current phase has been completed.

Waterfall is a project management methodology that stresses the importance of documentation. One of the more traditional project management methodologies, Waterfall is a linear, sequential design approach where progress flows downwards in one direction — like a waterfall.

3. Six sigma

There are two major methodologies of Six Sigma carried out by Six Sigma Green Belts and Six Sigma Black Belts, and are supervised by Six Sigma Master Black Belts. It uses quality management methods, which are mostly empirical and statistical, as well as the expertise of people who are specialists in these methods.

4. AgileAgile 

project management stems from the values and principles of the Agile Manifesto. A declaration cemented in 2001 by 13 industry leaders. Especially, Agile project management stems from the values and principles of the Agile Manifesto. A declaration cemented in 2001 by 13 industry leaders

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

5. Scrum

Scrum is comprised of five values: commitment, courage, focus, openness, and respect. It’s goal is to develop, deliver, and sustain complex products through collaboration, accountability, and iterative progress. 

Scrum team roles
  1. Product owner: Product expert who represents the stakeholders, and is the voice of the customer.
  2. Development team: Group of professionals who deliver the product (developers, programmers, designers).
  3. Scrum master: Organized servant-leader who ensures the understanding and execution of Scrum is followed.There are 5 Popular project management methodologies in 2021. I hope you can chose a methods for your projects.