Blockchain is shorthand for a whole suite of distributed ledger technologies that can be programmed to record and track anything of value, from financial records, medical records to even land titles. Let’s have a look at all the reasons blockchain technology can be fruitful for an e-learning industry or an e-learning platform.

1. The Way It Tracks & Stores Data

If you desire to make a change to the information recorded in a particular block, you don’t rewrite it, instead the change is stored in a new block showing that A changed to B at a particular date and time just like the folder that we save in our PCs.

Blockchain stores information in batches called blocks. These blocks are linked together in a chronological fashion to form a continuous line, metaphorically a chain of blocks. That is because blockchain is based on the centuries-old method of generating financial ledger. It is a non-destructive approach to track data changes over time.

2. Trust In The Data

The PC that solves the puzzle shares the solution to all the other computers on a network called proof of work. The network then adds this work, if correct then the block will be added to the chain. The combination of both the puzzles and the verification ensures that we can trust every block on the chain because now we get the opportunity to interact with our data in real-time. Before a block is added to the chain it has to go through a few things.

3. Zero Intermediaries

This approach limits exposure and risk but adds the next step to the exchange, which means spending more time and money. For instance, while doing business deals, we don’t display the other person our financial or business records; instead, we rely on trusted intermediaries.

Blockchain in education is still in its infancy but the industry thinks and sees great potential for blockchain to disrupt e-learning education in four ways and they are as follows. Now that we know what blockchain is, how it works, and how it’s being used across industries we’ve got a great perspective to look at more educational applications.

4. Student Records & Data

Along with this, it also helps in funding education and rewarding students for the quality of their work. Blockchain improves how to identify their students and protect their privacy measures and records. As educational organizations depend progressively on Internet-based databases, the danger of hackers changing their grades and adding unearned certifications along with stealing the entire database has increased.

5. New Pedagogy

Blockchains play an important role in the development of new models of learning as we continue to move past the traditional broadcast model. Moreover, blockchain can also contribute to entirely new models of education that support open access and lifelong learning.

6. Secure Certification Degree

Students can likewise gain full control of their information by a similar measure. They can access and confirm everything about their history online. These records are permanently inscribed on the blockchain. Even if the interviewee has all the educational certificates in hand, a background check is required. It takes a lot of time as they have many high schools and universities degree to show. At present, the only way an employer can confirm the employee’s qualifications is by reaching the individual instructors.

Management can basically refer to all the online records to check the interviewer’s potential. Whereas, blockchain has made this easy and simpler. How? When an instructor includes a person’s certificate to the record, all the details not only get immutable but are openly accessible and isolated from the issuing foundation.