I'm so sorry with Drupal 7, but its time to move on Drupal 8 and there are still reasons that clients frequently cite to justify staying in an old version of Drupal, in this case Drupal 7, instead of starting a new project straight away in Drupal 8. This is true even when we are talking about starting a brand new project (as opposed to just migrating).

Thera are 8 reason to answer for your question "why we should chose Drupal 8 in 2021".

8 Reasons Your New Project in Drupal 8

1. Cost and Effort

What about the cost of ownership? In Open Source we often neglect the costs of running projects, because licenses are non-existent or weird to have. But there is a cost of maintenance that can’t be ignored. Especially, Drupal 8’s new release cycle may increase, in some cases, short-term maintenance. That is, we may need to upgrade the site more often, involving more frequent release upgrades.

I promise in the future we can use Drupal 9 and 10 because although Drupal8 really good but which have some problem's as relatively easier and painless

2. User Experience

For a start, Drupal 8 has been from day one focused on the user experience, bringing initiatives like mobile first to the front lines.

Site builders and editorial teams in general play a hugely important role in our ecosystem, and we can see how their experiences are starting to be prioritised with initiatives like admin UI and JS initiative.  If you care about your users, you should make the move to Drupal 8. I am talking about both users: final users affected directly by the frontend that you are building, and admin users too.

3. Security

Remember that major new security flaws are normally discovered in the current stable version, Drupal 8 in this case, and if they are really critical, they get backported to Drupal 7. Besides, Yes, all releases are covered, and big security issues have provided patches even for Drupal 6, but be aware that the focus of the community efforts is with Drupal 8.

4. Innovation

Since Drupal 8, the new release process allows Drupal to introduce major features in the current release, which in my opinion is a game changer, and not just for developers. Being in Drupal 8 means embracing innovation itself. Of course, there are shiny new features in Drupal 8 that are not available in Drupal 7. This is not unique to Drupal. 

For example: 
- Drupal 8.2: Outside-In, a new experimental module provides the ability to change the most common configuration from the Drupal front-end (see https://www.drupal.org/node/2786039)

- Drupal 8.3: BigPipe became stable, which provides an advanced caching implementation based on Facebook’s BigPipe. It also introduces Workflows and Layout.

- Drupal 8.5: Introduction of Layout Builder, which provides editors the ability to customise the layout of their content (see https://www.drupal.org/node/2924128). BigPipe also will be enabled by default in the Standard profile.

- Drupal 8.6: Introduction of Workspaces, which should improve the way editors release content to production (see https://www.drupal.org/node/2968491). That in itself is going to be a game changer.

Drupal 8.6 will also see a new way of installing Drupal much easier and following just a single step, which should pave the way for new adopters (see https://www.drupal.org/node/2969396)

5. Performance

Drupal 8 has a lot more functionality included in its core. This doesn’t mean that the core is more heavy, it just means that 96% of the sites in Drupal 7 were delivered with modules that now are included in Drupal 8. 

Drupal 8 has things like Bigpipe and authenticated users cache, which would make the effort of delivering the content to auth and anon users a breeze compared to what that meant in Drupal 7. In general, if performance is a concern for you, you should have in mind that Drupal 8 comes with PHP7 support, which is much faster than previous versions; caching and loading speed has also been improved.

6. Recruiting and Staff Retention

Some other nice features introduced in Drupal 8 are, the registration forms. In Drupal 8 they are much more customisable by the site builder, while in Drupal 7 most of the time we had to do this from the backend via code, and it could not be changed unless a developer was involved in the process. Oh my God, how cool is to have a single command which result gives you a URL with your new site ready to rock?

7. Future proofed

While you could flex Drupal 7 to adapt to this changing environment (I’ve worked on projects like that) the real power and flexibility comes with having a Drupal 8 architecture where this flexibility is already in the core. Companies have hugely demanding and changing requirements. What was acceptable yesterday -- just having a website --is no longer enough. Today we we need to spread the information among very different devices.

8. Because you trust your tech team

Well, it would be great if the world would be that easy. Unfortunately a lot of the time companies have lots of other constraints and problems. So, let’s be honest, technical decisions should be lead by the technical teams. You and your company should trust your team, or re-think why you hired them at first, right?