MVP development is widely used by many software development companies before the launch of diverse websites and applications. When it comes to planning a particular product, this kind of development is the most convenient for any entrepreneur, and here is why.

What is MVP and how it works in real life

Creating an MVP is a good way to launch your product prototype first. You will be able to get the assessment of the idea and receive users’ feedback on your product, which includes only core features. To get a better understanding of how an MVP works, let’s take a look at the following example. For instance, you need approximately up to 8 months and $200K for the final product development.

There are two potential outcomes. Users can like or dislike your product. In the second case, all resources, budget, and time spent is a real waste for your team. Generally, the process takes up to 4-6 weeks, and up to $15K is needed. The difference in costs and efficiency is stunning. Then, you get users’ feedback and see engagement only after the product launch on the market.

Taking into consideration MVP Definition

An MVP version is a way to discover the odds for the success of the product. In addition, this practice requires fewer expenses and time. The MVP product has only the core functions, and nothing else is required. It can be implemented for all kinds of products, such as websites or mobile applications.

This framework is then tested on the market to find out whether the overall product can generate interest in the target audience. A Minimum Viable Product, or simply an MVP, is a product’s design framework with the essential functions only.

Main advantages of an MVP

As we already mentioned, an MVP version is designated to collect data that will demonstrate the level of customer interest around the product. Here just a few benefits you gain by building MVP instead of the complex product development:
  • You can see the resulting audience engagement around the product;
  • You can determine the main trends for further full product development;
  • Getting to know basic clientele and audience acquisition;
  • Saving a lot on the costly market research;
  • Get the opportunity to draw the attention of potential investors on the early stage.

Famous Examples of MVP-based Apps and Websites

There are a lot of products and services which were developed as MVPs in the first place. For instance:

a. Foursquare
Right now, they got more than 50M users and 8 billion check-ins. They got a positive user reaction, and as a consequence, they kept on expanding the product’s features. The software development company came up with an MVP idea and launched it on the market for testing.

b. Instagram
Instagram has a wide range of other features that include videos, geo and user tags, hashtags, direct messages, stories as well as integration with other networks. Instagram users really loved this product. Among other popular websites, services, and apps, there are Dropbox, Airbnb, Spotify, Facebook, and Snapchat. Their MVP included photo filters that a user could apply to any picture and save it to the camera roll.

MVP Do’s

  • Brainstorm a marketing strategy and make a plan to draw maximum user attention.
  • Keep an eye on user behavior and adjust your product accordingly.
  • Do some research on the competitors.
  • Combine high product quality with essential functions.
  • Come up with a suitable monetization model.
  • Opt for a big market and get into it as fast as possible.

MVP Don’ts

  • Don’t add extra features that are irrelevant and unimportant at the beginning.
  • Don’t postpone market entry making attempts to add more functions.
  • Don’t give up even if the first results aren’t positive.
  • Don’t lose sight of the product’s viability.

What product is Considered a viable?

MVP development is successful when viability and a minimal set of features are equally implemented in the product. If you need a consultation regarding the minimum viable product development, feel free to reach out to our MVP experts for help.

An MVP should have viability as the core attribute. Product’s functions and purpose are the most valuable things. A product can be called viable when it meets user requirements and performs one key function as good as possible.

Therefore, if you thinking of a new product launch, we highly recommend developing an MVP version first to make a successful, reasonable, and demanding product. Keep in mind that according to the latest research, users don’t use 60% of product functions. Respectively, these useless functions are a complete misuse of resources, time, and money.