A web designer's career is rarely predictable. From user experience to information architecture, there are new specialisms popping up all the time. If the lack of defined career path is frightening you, don't worry. 

There are plenty of people from all areas of the web industry willing to share their knowledge and advice to help you build your perfect web career. Here are five essential articles and books to read, whatever professional stage you're at.

1. The missing advice I needed when starting my career

Paul Boag has been working on the web for over two decades. In this article, he explains the career advice that he would give to a younger version of himself if he had a time machine. This article focuses on the career advice for web design pros of all kinds, including 'don't put up with a terrible boss' and 'get better at working with others'.

2. Finding opportunities in the mistakes we make

You flung yourself headlong into your career, and suddenly you’re not even sure where you’re going. In an industry with so many possibilities and choices, chances are you're going to take a wrong turn at one point or another. In this A List Apart post, Clarice Bouwer offers advice for how to turn a mistake into an opportunity, and get your career back on track.

3. Non-creepy networking

Celebrated designer Jessica Hische finds networking easy, but realises that many people struggle with it. But you don't want it to be your shyness (or fear of coming across as creepy) that holds you back in your career. In this excellent blogpost, Hische offers some practical tips for how to network effectively.

4. Questions you’ll be asked at a UX design interview

You've networked like a pro, you've built up a great portfolio of work, and you've landed yourself an interview for your dream job in UX. So how to ace it? In this Medium article, Nick Babich outlines the most common UX interview questions, along with some tips and tricks on how to answer them.

5. Stop procrastinating and pursue your passion

Want to start your own business? This ebook by Christopher Murphy offers practical ways to identify what really drives you, so you can transform it into satisfying and meaningful work. It's published in three tiers, so you only need to pay for the section you need for your situation.